Well, here we are.

The idea has been slowly simmering in my head for quite some time. Some of the productions that have taken place at Unreal Studio have been mastered in-house.

Because of this, a pattern started to emerge, slowly but surely. It seemed to be easy. I attribute this -first and foremost- to our excellent monitoring system. Equal parts analytical and inspiring.

I also seem to be able to get how music should sound, depending on the genre. This cloud of instruments that produce the song has a voicing that has been refined through history and reveals its secrets to anybody that pays close enough attention. If you listen to lots of music, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Hell, even my mixing has so many "top-down" elements to it, that it almost appears like mastering at first. ("Top-down" is a mixing process where your master left-right bus has bulk processing that influences all tracks at once.)
On occasion, people have asked me to only master their album, instead of the usual recording/mixing/producing it. I've gotten so many positive comments for these masters that I decided to provide it as a service. I won't lie, if you're used to doing a whole production for an album, mastering can feel somewhat... boring.

But then again, freed from the shackles of the months of grueling work to produce an album, inspiration can strike fast, and you find creative ways to manipulate a stereo file instead of a multitrack.

When i master an album, i can hear production decisions and put my self in the same situation so to either enhance or move in the same direction, not alter it according to a genre i think that music should fit to.

Thank you,

Alex Ketenjian


There is a ton of gear present at Unreal, both digital, analog, or in plugin form. The debate of digital vs analog is never ending, and it has been beaten to death. If something inspires the user, i'd consider it a better option for the task at hand. Good music is produced by humans, and all humans in the creation chain need to feel inspired. If you are inspired by turning physical knobs (as is usually the case) , then you consider analog "better". Whether it sounds better or not is irrelevant. It made you perform better. Enjoy it.

Amphion Two18 + BaseTwo25

Prism ADA8xr


Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor

Tube-Tech CL2A

API 2500

Maag EQ

Kush Audio Clariphonic

A-Designs Hammer 2 EQ

Focusrite Red 3

SSL Bus+

SSL Fusion


Below you can find some examples of music mastered at Unreal, and in most cases, recorded and mixed at Unreal too. If you click on the Artist name you can find out more about them.
Chthon - Legacy Of Filth
00:00 / 00:00
Pale Oaks - Circles
00:00 / 00:00
We.Own.The.Sky - We Align
00:00 / 00:00


In this day and age, I would split the types of mastering into two main categories:

"Hey Mastering Engineer, we really like our mix. Can you get it to be loud without seemingly altering anything?"

"We did our best with the production, but we think it's lacking that extra 20% that makes it record-ready. Can you help with that?"

The second category allows you to let your creativity loose, and find ways to enhance the material in ways that would surely have been better during the production process, but if you know what you're doing, you can find ways to implement it as transparently as possible.

The first category might seem easy at first, but I would argue that this is where the magic of modern mastering lies. For your work to seem invisible. But make no mistake, you can't just get something loud without manipulating it to "accept" that loudness. This is a difficult task because it requires finesse and critical listening skills.

Most indie albums fall in the second category. The trick is to be able to switch modes whenever the material calls for it and not let the inertia drag you to either doing too much or too little.

if you want to get a quote about getting your music mastered, you can either use the contact form below, or use the chat button on the bottom right corner.
© Unreal Studioz 2024
[email protected]